Herui optics' Bandpass filters are optical filters that allow transmission of a specific range of wavelengths, or band, while blocking other wavelengths. Longpass and Shortpass filters can be stacked creating a customized bandpass filter. Longpass filters are optical filters that reflect short wavelengths while transmitting, or passing, long wavelengths.
What is achieved through multiplication in mathematics is achieved physically by layering two or more optical filters. When layering multiple optical filters, light propagates through one filter and into the next. Because each filter transmits certain wavelengths, layering allows for the transmission of a customized band of wavelengths.
What is achieved through multiplication in mathematics is achieved physically by layering two or more optical filters. When layering multiple optical filters, light propagates through one filter and into the next. Because each filter transmits certain wavelengths, layering allows for the transmission of a customized band of wavelengths.