
Yttrium Vanadate (Nd:YVO4) is one of the most efficient laser host crystal currently existing for diode laser-pumped solid-state lasers. Its large stimulated emission cross-section at lasing wavelength, high absorption coefficient and wide absorption bandwidth at pump wavelength, high laser induced damage threshold as well as good physical, optical and mechanical properties make Nd:YVO4 an excellent crystal for high power, stable and cost-effective diode pumped solid-state lasers. Recent developments have shown that Nd:YVO4 can produce powerful and stable IR, green, bule lasers with the design of Nd:YVO4 and frequency doubling crystals.

Dimension Tolerance       (W±0.1mm)x(H±0.1mm)x(L+0.5/-0.1mm) (L≥2.5mm)
(W±0.1mm)x(H±0.1mm)x(L+0.2/-0.1mm) (L<2.5mm)
Flatness< λ/8 @ 633nm (L≥2.5mm); < λ/4 @ 633nm (L<2.5mm)
Transmitting wavefront distortion:< λ/4 @ 633nm
Scratch&Dig10/5 Scratch/dig
Chip: ≤0.1mm
Clear Aperture≥Centre Diameter 90%
Angle tolerance:≤0.5°
Damage threshold[GW/cm2 ]:>1 for 1064nm, TEM00, 10ns, 10Hz (AR-coated)
coatingBoth ends AR/AR-1064/808nm, R<0.2%@1064nm,R<2%@808nm
• S1:HR@1064&532 nm,HT808 nm,    R>99.8%@1064&532nm,T>90%@808nm
  S2:AR@1064&532 nm, R<0.2%@1064nm,R<0.5%@532nm
• S1:HR@1064,HT808, R>99.8%@1064nm,T>95%@808nm
  S2:AR@1064, R<0.1%@1064nm.
• S1,S2 AR-coated, S3:gold/chrome plated.
• Both ends AR/AR-1064 nm; S3:AR-808 nm
• Other coatings are available upon request

Atomic Density1.26x1020 atoms/cm3 (Nd1.0%)
Crystal StructureZircon Tetragonal, space group D4h-I4/amd
Cell Parametera=b=7.1193Å,c=6.2892Å
Mohs Hardness4-5 (Glass-like)
Thermal Expansion Coefficient(300K)αa=4.43x10-6/K
Thermal Conductivity Coefficient(300K)∥C:0.0523W/cm/K
Lasing wavelength1064nm,1342nm
Thermal optical coefficient(300K)dno/dT=8.5×10-6/K
Stimulated emission cross-section25×10-19cm2 @ 1064nm
Fluorescent lifetime90μs(1%)
Absorption coefficient31.4cm-1 @810nm
Intrinsic loss0.02cm-1 @1064nm
Gain bandwidth0.96nm@1064nm
Polarized laser emissionpolarization; parallel to optical axis (c-axis)
Diode pumped optical to optical efficiency>60%
Sellmeier equations(λ in μm)no2=3.77834+0.069736/(λ2-0.04724)-0.010813λ2

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