short pass filter

He Rui optics' short-pass filter, also known as a low-pass filter, is an optical filter that transmits light with shorter wavelengths while blocking or significantly reducing the transmission of light with longer wavelengths. This type of filter has a specific cutoff wavelength, which is typically defined as the wavelength at which the filter’s transmission drops to a certain percentage (such as 10%). Light with wavelengths below the cutoff is allowed to pass through the filter, while light with wavelengths above the cutoff is absorbed or reflected.

Short-pass filters are useful in a variety of applications, including:

  • In fluorescence microscopy, for separating excitation light from emission light, allowing only the excitation light (which is usually at shorter wavelengths than the emission light) to reach the sample.

  • In astronomy, for observing specific wavelengths of light, such as ultraviolet radiation.

  • In photography, for altering the color balance of a scene, for instance, by filtering out infrared and red light to enhance cool tones.

Short-pass filters can be made from colored glass, interference filters, or combinations of materials, depending on the desired cutoff characteristics and the application.

Product nameShortpass filter
Blocking wavelength300-1650nm
Optical densityOD3; OD4; OD5; OD6
Clear Aperture≥90%
Surface flatness1/10Lambda
Surface quality60-40,40-20,20-10,10-5
Coating Hard Coated
Customizable processing as per your request

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